Saturday, March 23, 2019

Saving more money

Continuing yesterday's theme...  I cut my Sprint bill by $30 but I will have to pay about $10 for Hulu, so really only cut it by $20. Then went and turned off the sports on Sling since football is over and cut that by $10.00. So I was at a $30/month savings. Not earth shattering but good.

Then, as I'm leaving work yesterday, I get a call from a number I don't know but I answered it anyway (rare for me).  It was Cox offering me a streaming deal. I currently have my internet through Cox and it's about $120/month. Add to that Sling, $44 (new price),  Netflix, $1150 and going up I believe,  plus the new Hulu charges, $10, and I was paying about $185.50/month for TV. And we have to switch between different things to watch different things. So we go on the antenna for local TV, the Fire Stick for Sling, etc. It can get annoying. And we don't get all the channels with the antenna, at least not in all the rooms of the house. The deal with Cox is I get internet, streaming TV of over 200 channels, including all the local stuff, for $165/month.  A savings of about $20. Add that to my now savings of $30 with Sprint and I'm at $50 a month. Not bad. Plus, I don't have to remember to pay 4 different things, it's all in one place. So I'm kind of proud of myself. We'll see how it goes. We have a month to cancel and there is no contract so technically we can cancel anytime. If we don't like it we'll just go back to Sling/Netflix/Hulu.

I think the important part here is to realize that just because that's what's been done, we don't have to continue to do it that way. I can look around and change things if I can find a better way. So the real success is being open to change and looking for new and different ways to cut expenses.

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