Thursday, April 25, 2019

Well that didn't go as planned

In my last post, I talked about how I was going all in and really going to make April awesome as far as budgeting goes. I was going to end the month with over $500 and things were going to be amazing. Yeah, that didn't happen. I ended it with $110 in the bank. Now that is good but I did have to put off one bill until today because I didn't have the money. And I'm depressed because I don't have any money. I gave all my money a job and now have nothing left. That is sad.

I'm wondering how to change this mindset. I have money set aside for things that will be coming up, so that's all good. But how do I lose this feeling of having no money?  Is it because I know where every dollar has to go and therefore I can't just blow it? I've done that often enough and I don't like that feeling so I guess I should be happy. But I feel like I'm broke because there isn't any money just sitting there waiting for me to blow it. I guess that is truly what they mean by YNAB broke.

The good news is that we have refinanced yet again and that will be closing in a couple of days. That means that no mortgage payment next month. I want to use that to get ahead a little bit. I want to get some things funded - like auto insurance - and then try to get ahead a little. Get the bills paid before they are due and have money to budget into next month.

I guess I see now how things can be and I'm just anxious to get there. I will have the mortgage payment to play with and I should be getting my tax return so I'll have that also. That will be about $2600 to use to get ahead. I'm really looking forward to that.

I never was a patient person......

Changing the mindset

So the hardest part of this whole YNAB thing is changing the mindset. I've mentioned this before but it's really coming up in the la...