Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I need to keep better track

I keep having these mystery deductions from my account and it's driving me crazy. I know I don't have a solid habit of adding transactions to my YNAB right away, but I also don't go out much and can usually remember what I did from one day to the next. I have a $19.99 charge on my account and I don't know where it came from. UGH!!!!  The problem with my bank is that it shows as pending but doesn't have a name so I have to wait until it clears to actually see what it is. UGH!!! So frustrating. And so annoying that this keeps happening. Of course, in my defense, the last few have not been me but charges I did not know were coming. So that's all good. Now I just have to watch the account to make sure I know what this is for. It is frustrating.

In other news, payday is almost here, all my bills have been paid and I have a few dollars left. That is so nice. To not be sweating hoping the paycheck clears before the bills do. It's nice to have a little cush. Alright, when I figure this out I'll come back and update this post.

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