Thursday, February 14, 2019

What do I truly value?

So I decided to start this blog for a number of reasons.
A) I love blogging or journaling or whatever you want to call it. It really helps me think and organize my thoughts. It also helps me see things that may not be readily obvious. So yeah, I love writing. 
B) I like to keep track of things and be able to look back and see how things have changed. Or not. Sometimes that happens and if I'm spinning my wheels, it's right there in black and white.
So yeah, I really like blogging and working out my thoughts this way.

So, money...  I've never been really good with it. Never. I have a feast or famine relationship with it. If I have some I will spend it. If I don't have some I will stress. And I've decided that needs to end. I want to be in a position where money does not cause me stress. It can be done and I'm hoping that this blog will help me figure it out.

Back to the purpose of this post. I've been following a health and fitness guy, hate to say diet guy, who is insistent that in order to change your body for good, you need to change your mindset. You have to not place a lot of value on the things that are no good for you. If you place a lot of value on things like cookies and cupcakes, you are going to want them all the time, and it will be hard to resist them because they are valuable to you. Well, it occurred to me that it's the same with money. I put a high value on spending money or buying things, or whatever and so that makes dealing with money difficult. So it's time to change that.

What exactly do I value? As I get older I realize that time is what I value. Time doing things that I enjoy. Time playing with my dogs. Time with my husband. Time......  So what I need to do is focus my energies on things that will allow me more time to do what I really want to do. So here is a list of things I really want to do......

  • Buy a house with some land 
  • Work agility with Maverick 
  • Go to lunch/dinner when I want to
  • Travel

All of those things cost money. So if I want to make them come true, I need to make my money do what I want it to and work for me. I know it can be done, I just need to buckle down and do it. And I need to change my mindset. I'm thinking of setting up a rule of not buying anything immediately. Anything over $10 has to wait 2 days and then I have to decide if I really want it or not. 
People with way less money than I have are able to do amazing things, I just need to focus on what I truly value and not what I want in the now. 

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